What Was ZZ Top Bassist Dusty Hill's Net Worth When He Died?

ZZ Top is the kind of band that doesn't seem to care about number one hits. They've always seemed perfectly comfortable being more or less the standard definition of radio rock. Hits like "Sharp Dressed Man," "La Grange," "Tush," and several others still get regular play on radio stations across the country. Plus, they got that cameo on Back to the Future III, so what's to complain about?
If Dusty Hill ever had his regrets about the band not topping the Top 100, you can be sure it was hard to complain about it with the kind of cash ZZ Top's songs had earned him. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Hill was worth $60 million at the time of his death, an estate that surely financed a lot of beer drinking and hell raising. In addition to the fame and fortune, Hill and the other guys from ZZ Top were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004. His steady bass lines will surely be missed.