Samwell Tarly Actor John Bradley Discusses Possible Return In Game Of Thrones Jon Snow Spin Off

Game of Thrones was once the peak of television entertainment and it was all that anyone could talk about. The wide array of characters and storylines mixed with the brilliant acting and of course, graphic violence and sexual content of the show, made it a fan favorite. All the hype backfired when the controversial season 8 closed the show on a less than satisfying note, leaving fans and critics alike, very unhappy.
Now, almost 3 years after the show has gone off air, the hype is building up again, as spin-offs from the show are in the works. One spin-off called House of Dragons is already slated for release in the second half of this year, but another spin-off has recently become the subject of discussion which will be following the story of one of the most beloved characters on the show, Jon Snow, played by Kit Harrington. The spin-off has not yet been confirmed but there are rumors that the idea is in development and will follow the story of Jon Snow after the events of the Finale of Game of Thrones.
While it is only a rumor yet, speculation has already begun on which characters could possibly return in such a spin-off, and the first name that comes to anyone’s mind is Jon Snow’s most trusty friend, Samwell Tarly, whom Snow met while he was a member of the Night’s Watch.
Samwell Tarly actor John Bradley spoke on the matter and said that no one has approached him as of yet but he would be very interested to read a script for a Jon Snow Spin-off. Here is his full response:
“I tend to think about it. I think we all left Game of Thrones thinking that we’d played these characters for so long and they had such a life to them, we’d like to sort of check in with them and see how they’re getting on. We played those parts for so long that as soon as we’d finished, we felt sort of free of them in a way. Because it’s a lot of story to carry around and a lot of emotional life to carry around with you. But in the future, who knows? I haven’t spoken to anybody about the potential Jon Snow prequel, but if somebody wants to send a script my way I’d be interested to read it”
The fate of any future spin-offs is clearly dependant on how the House of Dragons performs with audiences, since it is not yet known whether audiences will happily return to the franchise after the controversial end of the flagship show. Hence, audiences will just have to wait and see because at the moment, Samwell Tarly and Jon Snow themselves, know nothing.