
Is Ajin Manga over? Status explored

Ajin manga has been praised for a long time now for its thrilling action scenes, complex characters, and intriguing plot twists. However, it has also been criticized for its graphic violence, slow pacing, and inconsistent art style. The manga, that has sold over 10 million copies worldwide and has won several awards, such as the Kodansha Manga Award in 2017, is unfortunately, coming to an end.

Ajin manga has also been adapted into an anime series by Polygon Pictures, which aired for two seasons from 2016 to 2017, and it also inspired three anime films that covered the same story arc as the first season. The anime, however, features a different ending from the manga.

The manga follows the adventures of Kei Nagai, a high school student who learns that he is an Ajin, a rare and immortal being who can regenerate from any injury and summon a black ghost-like entity called IBM. However, Kei soon becomes a target of the government and other groups who want to capture and exploit Ajin for their own purposes. Along the way, he meets other Ajin who have different goals and motivations, such as Sato, a former soldier who wants to wage war against humanity.

Ajin manga serialized for nine years before coming to an end

The manga tells the story of Kei Nagai, a high school student who discovers that he is an Ajin, a rare and immortal being hunted by the government and other factions. The manga began serialization in Kodansha's Good! Afternoon magazine since 2012 and has been collected into 18 volumes as of November 2021.

However, it seems that Ajin: Demi-Human, the acclaimed manga series by Gamon Sakurai and Tsuina Miura, has come to an end after nine years of publication. The final chapter, chapter 86, was released on October 7, 2021, in Kodansha's Good! Afternoon magazine. The manga has been collected into 18 volumes, with the last one released in December 2021.

Ajin manga's ending has received mixed reactions from fans and critics. Some praised the author for delivering a satisfying conclusion that wrapped up all the loose ends and gave a hopeful message for the future of Ajin and humans. Others felt disappointed by the ending, which they found rushed, anticlimactic, and lacking in emotional impact.

Regardless of the opinions on the ending, Ajin manga will remain as one of the most memorable and influential manga series of the decade. It has left a lasting impression on its readers and has inspired many other works in the genre of sci-fi and horror.

More about Gamon Sakurai

Gamon Sakurai is a Japanese comic book artist from Tokyo, who is best known for his work on Ajin: Demi-Human, a manga series about immortal beings. He has been the sole author and illustrator of Ajin manga since the second volume, after Tsuina Miura quit the project. He was born in 1986 and won the Afternoon Magazine Four Seasons Award for New Comic Artists in 2010. He is also a fan of video games and often references them in his manga.

Gamon Sakurai has also published a short story anthology with indie publisher Issuisha in 2010. He is also less commonly known for his erotic works, such as Jihatsu Aruiwa Kyousei Shuuchi, which was serialized in Bishbruh.

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Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-06-17