
How Aubrey Plaza Embarrassed Herself In Front Of Ryan Gosling

What made Aubrey Plaza's interaction with Chris Bosh awkward was his failure to recognize her, so when she met Ryan Gosling, the roles were reversed. "I was at this juice bar, and he came in," Plaza recounted in a 2011 Rolling Stone interview. "I didn't recognize him. He said, 'I'm a big fan of the show,' and I said, 'Thank you. Are you an actor?' He kind of smirked and said, 'Yeah.'" Even after "The Notebook" star told Plaza his first name, she remained mystified as to why she thought that she recognized him from somewhere. And in an act of karma for the Bosh incident, Gosling left without letting her know who he was.

Plaza told Vanity Fair that it wasn't until a friend observed that Gosling bore a striking resemblance to Gosling that she realized just how mortifying that particular interaction was. Later on, she tried to smooth things over with Gosling by having a producer pal hand him a note scrawled on a napkin, but she didn't receive a response. "I missed my shot," she told Rolling Stone.

But perhaps Gosling planned on responding to the note in person. "I actually did hear from him one time. He invited me to a magic show through someone else," Plaza told Vulture. But in a true act of loyalty, she decided to attend a charity event with her "Parks and Recreation" co-star Amy Poehler instead.


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-06-21