
Gwen Stefani on Gavin & the nanny: I went through a real period of anger

Gwen Stefani, still riding on the buzz of her new album “This is What the Truth Feels Like,” was recently interviewed by veteran rock journalist Lisa Robinson for what has become sort of a media confessional, Vanity Fair. Gwen talked about the new album and pretty much confirmed what we knew for quite a while – that her husband, Bush singer Gavin Rossdale, cheated on her with the nanny.

Lisa tactfully posed the question, “Reportedly, after you found out Gavin was allegedly having an affair with the nanny, you filed for divorce, and then you wrote “Used to Love You.” Do you consider it a “revenge” song?” Gwen replied, “I went through a real period of anger, but I felt like this song was almost like a forgiveness song. It’s admitting, I used to love you and now I don’t.” Yep. Definitely an “I hate you for hooking up with the woman we paid to take care of our children” kind of song. I guess that just needed to get out into the open. Here are some other highlights from the interview:

Does Gwen have a work-life balance?: “I don’t. There’s always been days when it doesn’t really work out. Sometimes I’d get physically ill from the guilt of wanting to please everyone—that’s my nature — I hate anyone to be unhappy.”

Why the solo stuff?: “I love being in that band and we’re like a family. But sometimes I felt like I couldn’t do other things I wanted to do—like costume changes and girl stuff that I was always interested in. Plus, I really loved a lot of Prince…and 80s dance music. So when the band took a break, I was excited to work with a lot of different people.”

Is Gwen in love now?: “Yeah, for sure. I don’t really want to go into that relationship, and God knows what’s going to happen. But I feel like I’m in an amazing songwriting place; instead of being closed off, I’m thinking about positivity and how I can do something creative. I’m just doing what I want to do. It’s so incredible to be in that zone. I’m always looking for the next song, and now I don’t have to be insecure or write about heartache.”

[From Vanity Fair]

Vanity Fair seems to have cornered the market on covering nanny scandals, even getting Jennifer Garner to talk about nanny Christine Ouzounian’s affair with her husband. In an interview for the magazine’s March 2016 issue, Jen talks openly about her “nanny-gate,” saying:

“Let me just tell you something. We had been separated for months before I ever heard about the nanny. She had nothing to do with our decision to divorce. She was not a part of the equation. Bad judgment? Yes. It’s not great for your kids for [a nanny] to disappear from their lives.”

[From Vanity Fair]

As for Gwen, she’s still happy as a clam about her new romance with Blake Shelton. She’s in New York, preparing for her musical guest stint on Saturday Night Live (with host Peter Dinklage – set your DVRs, this is sure to be epic!) and has taken to Snapchat to document her trip. She heard her beau Blake playing as she roamed the hallways of 30 Rock and got all smiley.

And then there’s this…

I am a fan of Gwen, Blake and true love, so I’m still Team Gwake. I think the Vanity Fair piece could – and should – be the last word on Gwen’s past relationship troubles, but I doubt she’ll stop talking about it. Side note: so glad I never had kids, as after Jen and Gwen’s stories, I’d be terrified to hire a nanny. Maybe Mrs. Doubtfire, but nobody else.

Gwen Stefani seen snapchatting paparazzi as she leaves the Empire State Building

Gwen Stefani seen snapchatting paparazzi as she leaves the Empire State Building

The Battles, Part 3 episode 8 Season 10 'The Voice' on NBC.

The Battles, Part 4 episode 9 Season 10 'The Voice' on NBC

Photo credit: Getty Images, Instagram/gwensnapchats, Pacific Coast News, WENN.com


Zora Stowers

Update: 2024-06-09