
Gracie Allen Net Worth

#Fact1In Star trek IV The Voyage Home Admiral Kirk and Captain Spock set out to retrieve 2 humpback whales from 20th Century earth and transport them to 24th century earth too save the planet. Those two humpback whales were named "George" and "Gracie". They were cared for and featured at the Cetacean Institute near San Francisco.2She and her husband-to-be became the comedy team of Burns & Allen in 1922 (she was the daft one). They remained spouses and performing partners until her passing.3Profiled in the book "Funny Ladies" by Stephen Silverman. [1999]4Has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6672 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California.5Pictured with husband George Burns on a 44¢ USA commemorative postage stamp, issued 11 August 2009, in the Early TV Memories issue honoring The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (1950).6Although she was in love with another man when they first met, George Burns carried a ring in his pocket until she finally agreed to marry him.7Had a driver's license, issued under her married name, Grace Burns. Was once pulled over by a policeman, who thought the license was fake because it didn't give her last name as Allen.8In the early 1940s, during the height of their popularity, George Burns had a brief extramarital affair. He felt so guilty, he bought her an extravagant silver centerpiece for the dining room table, but since neither brought up the affair even once, he assumed she knew nothing about it. Years later, when Gracie had a friend over for coffee, George overheard her say, "You know, I wish George would cheat on me again. I'd really like a new centerpiece for the table".9Her idol and first childhood crush was Charles Chaplin.10In 1949, she missed a radio show when she had a migraine so bad she couldn't get out of bed. She was replaced by Jane Wyman, who had won the Best Actress Oscar earlier that year. It turned out to be the only performance she missed in over 35 years of performing with George Burns.11Graduated from Star of the Sea School for Girls [now co-ed] in San Francisco; graduation ceremony was held in the Columbia Theatre [now American Conservatory Theatre] on 19 June 1914.12The annual Gracie Allen Awards are presented by American Women in Radio and Television, Inc., to programs by, for and about women.13Their running gags: Gracie's endless relatives, the elaborate search for Gracie's "missing brother" (who actually left town in the wake of the publicity), Gracie's infatuation with matinée idol Charles Boyer, Gracie's enthusiasm for George's singing.14Accidentally spilled a pot of boiling water on her arm as a child, which left a bad scar she kept concealed for the rest of her life (her one big wish was to wear a strapless evening gown and no gloves, just once).15Suffered occasional migraines, which sometimes lasted for days; the only thing that seemed to help was a tight bandana, and bed rest in absolute quiet.16Staged a mock Presidential campaign in 1940; the theme of her campaign speech appeared to be "My girdle is killing me."17Had a fear of water and drowning; took swimming lessons secretly to be able to teach her children.18Declined only one photo session request in her career, when she was asked to pose outside a mental hospital; husband George Burns compared this to having Mae West pose outside a brothel.19"The Burns & Allen Show" (on CBS and NBC from 1934 to 1950) was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1994.20When she went to work with George Burns, she was engaged to another man. It took four years for George to change her mind, but they went on to become one of the best remembered couples in Hollywood history.21Her father left the family - her, her mother, her three sisters and one brother when she was 5 years old, and she never spoke of him again.22Started out in an Irish dancing group called "The Allen Sisters" with her three older sisters, Bessie, Hazel and Pearl.23She and George Burns have two adopted children, Sandra Burns and Ronald John (Ronnie Burns).24The words "Together Again" are engraved on her and George Burns' crypt at the Freedom Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, California. This inscription replaced the previous one, "Good Night, Gracie", which appeared on the crypt prior to George's death. She is interred to the left of him as you view the crypt, not above him as has been previously reported, along with the explanation that George "wanted her to have top billing".25During her run on The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (1950), she stood only 5 feet tall and weighed a dainty, petite 100 pounds.26The Gracie Allen rose (scientific name Rosa 'WEKuyreg') is named for her.27Began having mild heart attacks in the late 1950s, which continued until her death in 1964.28Most people did not know when she was born, as her birth certificate was lost during the California earthquake in 1906, and she was usually evasive about her age. Her family was even forced to guess her birthdate for her death certificate, settling on 1902. Her true age would not be revealed until 1972, when the 1900 Census became public, and gave her actual birth year as 1895.29The 1939 film The Gracie Allen Murder Case (1939) was especially written for her by the creator of Philo Vance, writer S.S. Van Dine. It was one of the few times she appeared on-screen without her husband, George Burns, though he was on the set to support her.30Had one blue eye and one green.31Interred along with husband George Burns at Forest Lawn (Glendale), Glendale, California, in the Freedom Mausoleum, Sanctuary of Heritage.32George Burns called Gracie "Googie", while she called him "Natty".33In 1922, she and George Burns made their first performance at the Hill Street Theatre in Newark, New Jersey, where they were paid $5 per day. George saw that the audience not only found Gracie's character funny but they fell in love with her, and he did, too. He immediately changed the act to give her all the funny lines and played her straight man. They became a hit.34Attending secretarial school, Gracie was invited by her roommate to Union Hill, New Jersey, to see if she was interested in working with either member of an act that was splitting up. The act was George Burns and Billy Lorraine, and she chose George.


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Update: 2024-06-18